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Saturday 19 October 2013

Android is Much More Secure than You Think: Google

Google up till now, has never came forward to justify the claims against its Linux-based operating system Android, that it is the most precarious Smart Phone based Operating System, and have over 1Milion High-Risk apps in its Play Store.
Ever since it was released publically in September 2008, dozens of proclamations and researches had been published professing that Android is not a secure platform for Smart Phones.
Google has ultimately broken the Ice, and despite the fact that Play Store has over 1Million Malware apps, Google claimed that, Android is more secure than any other platform, including iOS.
Google’s Android Security chief Adrian Ludwig; researcher Eric Davis and Jon Larimer at Berlin’s Virus Bulletin conference had laid out the engaging report with comprehensive demographic & analytically data, called “Android – realistic security from the ground up”.
The report manifested the engrossing illustration of the security dynamic in the open Android ecosystem. It was exhibited to dispute the pretenses of pervasive Android malware threats.
Here is an overview of one of the info-graphic shown by Google’s Security folks.
This picture is showing the multiple layers defense level that a user has to go through before installing an App.


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